To wander free across a landscape, choosing your route as curiosity takes you, feels like a rare privilege for someone who comes from a densely populated place like Britain, and what’s even more amazing is to be able to do it without carrying a huge backpack or hauling a sled full of gear behind you.

On a fine day fancy can take you to the far horizon.

Of course it’s all made possible by the team and their boundless energy. They pull all our camping gear and supplies and to say they love to pull would be an understatement!

Lead dogs, Farmer, Bear and Boss setting the pace.

Closely followed by the rest of the team

All the gear is loaded on to 3 sleds with 22 dogs out front. On long trips Joe Henderson can load the sleds up with enough supplies for 4 to 5 months of unsupported travel. You can read about one such trip at www.explorenorth.com/articles/mushing-leffingwell.html

and after all that work a well earned snooze for the team and a lot of gratitude on my part.